Respuesta :
During intense exercise:
lung capacity increases
vital capacity increases
respiratory capacity increases
functional residual capacity increases
tidal volume increases
the inspiratory and expiratory reserve volumes decrease as does the residual volume.
Residual volumes decrease because having better lung capacity, better development of the secondary skeletal muscles that collaborate in expiration and inspiration, these are given in a better way, and more effectively.
If these processes take place more efficiently, their potentiality increases and expiration and inspiration move a large current of air into the lungs, thus leaving less reserve airs.
Those people who have increased exhalation or inspiration reserve, have a weak activity of the musculature in the processes and function as "stagnant air" which is synonymous with a lack of physical activity or aerobic capacity.
It is important to clarify that all the above processes are accompanied by an increase in the size of the chest cage