Use your knowledge about the advantages of international trade to complete each sentence. International tradeeconomic growth . International tradethe specialization of goods. International trade the types of goods and services available around the world .

Respuesta :

International trade has been significant for the globalization of free trade relations.


International trade has been responsible for the global economic growth in the 20th and 21st century .

International trade is responsible for the specialization of goods for one country which is at the most advantage for making that particular product while being able to import the others they may need

International trade makes it so that the types of goods and services available around the world can reach any other part of the world.

International trade is the transfer of capital, goods and services across international borders to meet a demand for goods or services. Currency, government policies, laws and markets all have an impact on trade between two or more states.

  • International trade encourages economic growth.
  • International trade encourages the specialization of goods.
  • International trade increases the types of goods and services available around the world.

To know more about international trade, refer to the link: