Respuesta :
14- Rachel Carson and her book Silent Spring impacted the environmental movement by increasing awareness of harmful effects of pesticides on environment.
Silent Spring is a book by Rachel Carson published on September 27, 1962 that warned of the harmful effects of pesticides on the environment -especially on birds- and blamed the chemical industry for the increasing contamination. Some scientists called it a fantasy, but for many people it is the first informative book on environmental impact and has become a classic of ecological awareness.
Silent Spring is considered to have inspired the environmental mobilization that got the Department of Agriculture to revise its pesticide policy, that DDT was prohibited by United States legislation and laid the groundwork for the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States.
15- As a result of the American discovery of Soviet missile sites in Cuba, an US naval blockade led to agreement with Soviet withdraw of missiles in Cuba and US missile withdraw in Turkey
The result of this crisis was the withdrawal of Soviet nuclear missiles installed in Cuba, the commitment of the United States not to invade Cuba, the withdrawal of US nuclear missiles installed in Turkey and the creation of a direct line of communication between Washington DC and Moscow through the red telephone.