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· Kinship is describe in anthropology as the web of social relationships that made that matters of the lives of all humans in all societies. It is also defined as relationships based on blood and marriage are culturally recognized by all societies; relationships among individuals who recognize kinship obligations, even though the relationships are not based on either consanguineal or affinal ties.
· The kinship group provides security and protection for individual members. It manages marriage because of large numbers of family must approve of marriages. Property regulated by group rather than by individual, function as political units that settle disputes within the lineage this units have their own set of religious deities.
· This is important especially to In the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) community, the concept of ‘family’ has different meanings. Historically the right to form a traditional family (e.g., two parents and children) with associated legal rights and protections has not been an option for LGBTQ couples. In the absence of formal family arrangements, LGBTQ individuals have created their own family and community structures.