1) which example describes an administrative law
A. a local law that requires all business owners to pay a small tax to cover the cost of street cleaning
B. a statue passed in the state legislature that established 55 miles per hour as the speed limit on state highways
C. a federal government agency regulation that requires all cars to be equipped with seat belts
D. a rule that is meant to prevent soldiers from disobeying the commands of their superior officers
2) Which ruling did the Supreme court make in Maranda v. Arizona
A. It is unconstitutional for arrested individuals to face double jeopardy
B. individuals in custody must be made fully aware of their Fifth amendment rights in order to exercise those rights
C. Miranda must be set free because of the police had not legally obtained a search warrant
D. Miranda was entitled to sue the state in civil court for wrongful arrest
3) Why must authorities issue the Miranda warning to arrest a person
A. to ensure that those accused of crimes are granted a speedy and public trial before a jury and their peers
B. to remind all present that the arrest is not being made based upon a bill of attainder or an ex post facto law
C. to inform those in custody of their constitutional rights to remain silent, to avoid self-incrimination, and to receive legal conceal
D. to convey to the prisoner the reason for his or her arrest and to allow a judge to certify the legality of the person's imprisonment