Joe tells you, "i'm concerned that if a theo chocolate manager is doing something unethical, i'm not going to hear about it." he asks, "what can i do to encourage employees to speak up if they see something wrong?" what advice would you give him? check all that apply.

Respuesta :

1- First encourage them by making them feel free when they speak up they will not be fired or have retribution.

2- But persuade them that the employee who speaks up is more likely to be promoted and get higher position faster.

3- They should know that their leader welcomes different opinions and different point of view. and make them sure that you will listen to their bad news and will accept it.

4- They should feel that you trust them opinions and believe in them.

5- Make meetings to discuss clearly the constructive criticism with an open mind.

6-  Admit publicly when there is an employee has challenged your thinking that they help you to take a good decision using their thoughts to encourage the other employees to speak up.