TeethTo cut, tear and grind food.EpiglottisTo block food and water from entering the pharynx.LiverTo filter toxins from blood and it makes bile.GallbladderTo store and release bile into the small intestine.Large Intestine (Colon)To absorb water and then to pass useless waste from the body.Salivary GlandsTo produce saliva which breaks down carbohydrates (starch)TongueTo push food to the back of the mouth prior to swallowing.EsophagusTo force food from the throat into the stomach.StomachTo chemically and mechanically digest food and to turn food into chyme so the body can digest it.PancreasTo produce digestive juices that are released into the small intestine.Small IntestineTo absorb nutrients and help to digest food.RectumTo keep the intestine sealed shut until the need to pass feces arises.