Respuesta :
Q1 b
Q2 d
Q3 c
Q4 d
Q5 c
Q6 b
Q7 d
Q8 a
Q9 c
Q10 b
Q11 b
Q12 b
Q13 c
Q14 c
Q15 a
Q16 c
Q17 b
Q18 a
Q19 c
Q2 d
Q3 c
Q4 d
Q5 c
Q6 b
Q7 d
Q8 a
Q9 c
Q10 b
Q11 b
Q12 b
Q13 c
Q14 c
Q15 a
Q16 c
Q17 b
Q18 a
Q19 c
20. Escribieron (pretérito is past tense, estudiantes is third person plural, thats the correct conjugation)
21. Comió (same thing as 20, except comió is singular)
22. Yo entré la casa y mi madre me abrazó. (abrazó is third person past singular)
23. Mi madre me dijo que salió temprano (mom is mother, so a and c are out, dijo is the first person past tense of decir)
24. Ir de excursión (it means to go on a hike, and since the statement is that I enjoy nature, this is the only outdoor activity)
25. A soccer game (futbol is the spanish word for soccer)
26. Go shopping (ir de compras al centro comercial can translate to go shoppipng to the mall)
27. El campeón (it translates to the champion)
28. El juguete (juguete means toy, and you don't use toys for futbol americano, or what people call simply football in the US)
29. Sara estaba enferma (the actual literal translation would be Sara se estaba sintiendo enferma, but the closes one is B)
30. Yo caminaba cada día (the actual literal translation here would be Yo solía caminar cada día, but b is also the closest)
31. Cuando era niña, siempre nadaba en la piscina durante el verano (era is the first person simple past of ser, so is nadaba for nadar)
32. íbamos (eramos means used to be, fuibamos doesn't exist and fuimos means went, íbamos is the past perfect tense).
33. escuchábamos (the sentence is in first person plural, and this is the only option in first person plural)
34. trabajaba (it means worked, all the other verbs do not apply to gardening)
35. Hacía (hacería and hacaba do not exist, había means there was, only hacía means used to do or did)
36. la estufa (it means the stove)
37. la cama (this is not entirely correct, in English you would say make your bed, but in Spanish translating literally into hacer la cama would only be correct in some parts of Northern Mexico, you should say "tender la cama", which is not an option)
38. La lámpara (the lamp)