1. Lack of access to education and health care is at the root of the problem. In many countries, the costs of books and other fees prevents many families from sending their children. In addition, girls may be discouraged from attending schools due to cultural or religious beliefs.
2. Without access to education, those in poverty poor have few job prospects outside manual labor and subsistence farming. Wages are low and often inadequate to meet basic needs.
3. Low wages mean that families cannot afford enough nutritious food. This can result in malnourished mothers who are more likely to give birth to premature or low-weight babies. Lack of nutritious food also means that other children in the family may lag in their physical and mental development.
4. The result of poor nutrition is higher rates of mortality for mothers and children alike. Surviving children are weaker and lack energy.
This leads to (5), a reduced ability to work and learn, even if the children are fortunate enough to go to school.
6. Without a good education, children have few job choices aside from manual labor or subsistence farming.
7. People who are dependent on subsistence farming are likely to have more children to provide much-needed labor and income. With little access to health care and education, the next generation is likely to repeat the cycle.