In the box below, write five factors that affect your health that you can control. Then write five more factors that affect your health but are outside of your control.

Respuesta :

Risk Factors You Cannot Control:
1) Age
2) Gender
3) Family History
4) Accessibility to doctors (not having enough money, not having doctors, etc)
5) Being born with bad health (having asthma, weak immune system, etc)
Risk Factors You Can Control:
1) Use of smoking, alcohol, and drugs
2) Obesity
3) Inactivity
4) High Blood Pressure
5) High Cholesterol 


  • Controllable Factors: Diet, exercise, adequate water intake, smoking, use of harmful substances.
  • Uncontrollable factors: genetics, age, pollution, bone formation, family history.


A set of studies recently published in The Lancet found that while people are living longer, quality of life has declined. The main reason for this situation is the adoption of unhealthy habits throughout life and living with diseases in old age, and genetic diseases.

Quality of life when related to health is directly linked to factors that affect health. These factors may be controllable or uncontrollable. Controllable factors are those that you can stop (when they are harmful) or continue (when they are beneficial, such as drinking an adequate amount of water, exercising regularly, eating healthy, not consuming harmful substances to the body, among others.

The uncontrollable factors are those that you cannot stop or continue. There is no way to prevent these factors from interfering with health. An example of these factors is genetics, family history, pollution (mainly caused by particles), age (due to diseases that come with old age), among others.