Rome fought three wars with Carthage. What was the major event (or events) and players in each of those three wars?

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What did Carthage have?a large navyCarthage's famous boat was the...QuinqueremeWhat was the size of Carthage's populationCartridges population was 100,000 to 200,000 peopleCarthage has how many allies1.5 millionROME...What is the size of Romes populationIt was half of Carthage's PopulationRome has less than...1 millionWhy did they fightBecause they want to trade routes, land, power, and money.Event B: the first Punic war...Where did they fightThe Mediterranean seaHamilcar barca - who was he?Leader of CarthageWhat did the first or the peace treaty include (MPS W/ S)-Carthage most evacuate Sicily 
- Carthage had to give Roman prisoners
- Carthage had to give Rome $
- Carthage could no longer sail in Roman waters
When did the first Punic war start and stopIt started to 64 B.C.E. and ended in 241 BCEWho won the first Punic warRomeEvent C: The beginning of the second Punic war...Who was Hannibal and what did he Get?He a was Barca son and he got lots of respectWz Who did they lead from where to where?They lead troops and elephant from Spain through the pro valley it into northern ItalyWas this attack a