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Studies show that the attachment style that we had with our own mother (again, mother can be substituted for primary caregiver) is generally predictive of the attachment style that we have with our own children. We generally parent in the way in which we were parented. There is evidence of neurobiological brain changes in infants and children which relate to their early experiences, and there is therefore an argument that our attachment style is hard- wired from a very early age.

Most children — and adults — are securely attached, so for the majority of people, we can just do what comes naturally when it comes to parenting and our children will develop secure internal working models. The factors which help this are parents being warm, empathic and consistently responsive. Parents respond to their children when their attachment behaviour is activated (crying, trying to get close to mother), and are able to empathise ie put themselves in the child’s shoes and recognise what they need at that time, and provide it.