
Match each of these words with the phrase that best
atomic bomb

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Entrench -Stronghold

  - Entrench means to establish (an attitude, habit, or belief) so firmly that change is very difficult or unlikely. A stronghold is a place where one has a strong position or is firmly established.

Kamikaze - Atomic bomb

  - Kamikaze refers to a tactic where pilots would deliberately crash their planes into enemy targets, often associated with Japan during World War II. The atomic bomb is another destructive weapon used during WWII, primarily by the United States against Japan.

Atomic bomb - Demoralize

  - The dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II significantly contributed to the demoralization of Japan, leading to their eventual surrender.

Stronghold - Entrench

  - A stronghold is a fortified place or area where a particular group, military force, etc., is firmly established and has control.

Demoralize - Kamikaze

  - Kamikaze attacks were intended not only to inflict physical damage but also to psychologically demoralize the enemy by showing a willingness to sacrifice everything, including one's own life, for the cause.