that you can block a decision at least at this very moment. all the others have to gather to either convince you (to remove your blocking veto), or to create a new version of their request or decision that you will like better and let pass.
or simply to discuss it, keep it unchanged and pass it along a second time.
there are various veto systems installed in the various political systems (but also clubs, teams, companies, ...) in the world.
In the UN, for example, the veto powers (like USA, Russia, China, ...) can keep their veto up as long as they want, abd the rest of the world has to find a way to live with it or find a way to convince them.
in the USA, for example, the veto power of the president against a defined new law by the 2 houses is actually only valid one time. if they (after discussing it) resend it unchanged a second time, the president can formally no longer block it. etiquette (usual diplomatic procedure) and respect for each other usually required a rework of the new law in such a case, but lately more and more politicians do not follow such guidelines anymore.