Respuesta :


**a. True**

Letting the shuttle drop as close to the net as possible before returning it with a hairpin net shot is generally considered good technique. Here's why:

* **Sharper Angle:**  The lower the shuttle is, the sharper the downward angle you can achieve with your hairpin net shot, making it harder for your opponent to return.

* **Increased Deception:**  A lower net shot is more deceptive as it forces your opponent to react quickly and bend low to retrieve it.

* **Clears Net:**  A well-executed hairpin net shot from a low position should just clear the net, maximizing its effectiveness.

However, there are situations where you might not want the shuttle to drop quite so low:

* **Opponent Charging the Net:** If your opponent is positioned very close to the net, a slightly higher hairpin net shot might be necessary to avoid them reaching it easily.

* **Double Play:** In doubles play, communication is key. You might raise the hairpin net shot slightly to give your partner more time to react and potentially volley the shuttle.

Overall, aiming for a low shuttle position before executing a hairpin net shot is a good strategy, but adapt your technique slightly based on the specific situation in the game.