Think about lifestyle choices that you make on a daily basis. Choose at least four lifestyle choices which you could change to improve your overall health. Explain how making those changes would improve your health.

Respuesta :

Well, I won't do your essay for you, but I can help outline some stuff you can change which will improve your health. Then, I'll leave it to you to explain how it does so! =)

So, I can't say these specifically apply to you, so I'll just make some generalised changes you can make.

* begin working out
* eat healthier and nutritious food
* begin meditating 
* cut out addictive tendencies (video games, etc)
* learn to love yourself (loving yourself is a key to confidence and self-forgiveness, which leads to better mental health)
* work on proper and consistent hygiene 

Hopefully, this helps! =)

Begin working out, eat healthier food, work on proper and consistent hygiene, and get sleep.

I got 100% on edg