What does the author convey in this passage?

The Itching Palm: A Study of the Habit of Tipping in America

by William R. Scott (excerpt)

In the United States alone, more than 5,000,000 persons derive their incomes, in whole or in part, from "tips," or gratuities. They have the moral malady denominated The Itching Palm.

Tipping is the modern form of Flunkyism. Flunkyism may be defined as a willingness to be servile for a consideration. It is democracy's deadly foe. The two ideas cannot live together except in a false peace. The tendency always is for one to sap the vitality of the other.

a.The citizens of the United States prefer to get their incomes in the form of gratuities.

b.Tips contribute significantly to the salaries of most skilled employees in the
United States.

c.The practice of tipping and the idea of democracy contradict each other.

d.Flunkyism and democracy go hand in hand.