let me know if this is good...... My life with my brother by: Sabrina cooper
Don’t get me wrong I love my brother and everything, but sometimes he can be so mean to where I would just break down, and cry my eyes out. He can have a very bad temper sometimes it scares me I wish he wasn't so heartless to people one time this guy bumped in to me, and he got so mad he was yelling at the guy saying “don’t get all up on my sister you need to back off bro before I hit the stuff out of you”. I just said to my big brother “oh my god big brother chill out he’s not doing anything” I know he was just trying to look out for me, but to me he just needs to chill just a little. Everyone was looking at us I just wanted to die I said “let’s just go home” when we got home there was one of his “home boys” at the door he looked like someone ran him over 70 times he had blood all over his face he just looked bad. when we got out of the car my brother said “go in your room and lock the door” so I did. He was yelling at his home boy saying “don’t ever come here again who saw you come here?’’ I have never seen my brother so mad at one of his home boys then he asks what happened to his face his home boy was telling him that he was in love with a 14-year-old and was doing stuff with her then her dad came in the room. My brother started hitting him and kicking him he was yelling “you are a 30 –year-old man’’ why he was kicking him he said “if you every come to this house again or near my sister I will have no problem killing you”. My brother kicked him out of the 88s that is his gang and was telling all his home boys what he did and they all hated him. The next day he had to find someone to replace that guy that they kicked out Jackson is one of my brother’s home boys he said to my brother “pick my brother “Jackson’s brother was only 16-years-old, but man he was cute I look at my brother, and was hoping he would pick him my brother looked at me and said “no’’. I got so mad and pushed the door I know he did that because I liked him and I went in my brother’s office, and he came in there asking why I was so mad. I was yelling at him saying “you only said no because I like him” my brother didn’t even try to lie his way out he just said “yap’’ I looked at him, and just said ok I didn’t talk to him for 2 weeks it killed him he yelled at Jackson saying “ok let your brother come in the 88s” I was so happy I jumped on my brother, hugging him, and kissed him on the cheek, and he said “not in front of my gang” I said to late and they all called him a softy. He looked at them and said “who’s the boss that can kick you out of the 88s?’’ everyone didn’t say anything at all.