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The digestive system of the earth worm are: esophagus, crop, gizzard, pharynx and the intestine. The food is ingested by entering the mouth of the earth worm. It is then followed by its own pharynx, moving to the esophagus. When it exits the esophagus, it is move to the crop where it is stored and the gizzard is responsible for grinding the food of which the earthworm is able to eat. The nutrients are extracted by the intestinal wall. The intestinal wall has the ability to absorb the food that is digested, it has also the capacity of transporting the nutrients in the body. The waste is excreted by entering the nephridium and passing to the nephridial tube. Important nutrients are absorbed and the remaining waste is excreted out of the body by the nephridiophore by the help of the cilia’s movement.
The digestive system of the frog is compose of: cloaca, mouth, esophagus, small intestine, pharynx, large intestine, stomach and the buccal cavity. The food is ingested by entering the frog’s mouth. When it is swallowed, it passes through the pharynx, finding its way through the esophagus. It is the move to the stomach where the digestion is being processed. It enters the pylorus which is a region and the muscular pyloric valve is able to work, in order for the food to be moved in the small intestines. The food will now pass in the duodenum, absorb in the walls of the intestines and passes through the blood stream. The remaining food left is move in the large intestine. The waste is processes by the tubular cloaca, where it exits the body. The nutrients are absorbed by the digestive system.
The digestive system of the squid has: stomach, caecum and liver. The stomach is the midpoint of the visceral mass, bolus is then move to the caecum for the digestion. After that, the food goes to the liver for its digestion. The nutrients are absorbed at the digestive gland which is found at the siphon end. The waste is excreted by passing in the squid’s rectum and the ink sac.