In our chem lab. We have to do something called the chem 21. This weeks topic was about solving ten test tube mystery and basically we were using a plate to mix it by one chemical to one chemical.We discovered thatA=KlB=Na2sC=NH4ClD=HClE=AgNo3F=BaCl2G=H2SO4H=NaBrI=NaOHJ=CuSO4However, we have to explain why and write the net ionic equation?

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our chemistry lab. The chem 21 is a requirement for us. Basically, we were using a plate to chem lab it by one chemical to one.

Your Instructor has defined tolerances, which the Chem21 computer uses to score your response. This week's theme was about solving ten test tube mysteries. You will be informed on the website whether you are required to round your response chem lab to the correct number of Significant Figures; otherwise, you need just enter a number that lies between the correct amount minus

Here are some Chemistry Practical Class 12 experiments that will help students effectively prepare for their exams. I Making potash alum or ferrous ammonium sulphate double salt. Identifying a cation and an anion in a.

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