The findings of the strange situation test on kids says that there is a correlation between secure attachment in infancy and positive developmental outcomes in childhood, but the direction of this correlation is unclear.
In order to examine children's attachment, or bonds between a caregiver and kid, Mary Ainsworth developed the odd circumstance procedure in the 1970s. It pertains to kids who are nine months to thirty months old. In general, there were two types of attachment: secure and unsecure. A later introduction of the third category, disordered, was made by Mary Main and her husband Erik Hesse. The process had a significant impact on the growth of attachment theory. In this Strange Situation approach, a kid is watched playing for 21 minutes as adults arrive and exit the room, simulating the flow of familiar and unfamiliar presence in most children's lives. The child's reactions are watched as the circumstance changes in stress level.
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