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The two most commonly recognized smoke detection technologies are ionization smoke detection and photoelectric smoke detection. Ionization smoke alarms are generally more responsive to flaming fires.

  • Ionization-type smoke alarms contain a small amount of radioactive material sandwiched between two electrically charged plates, ionising the air and causing current to flow between the plates. When smoke enters the chamber, it disrupts the flow of ions, lowering current flow and activating the alarm.
  • Photoelectric alarms point a light source at an angle away from the sensor into a sensing chamber. The alarm is triggered when smoke enters the chamber and reflects light onto the light sensor.

What is the best sort of smoke detector?

A dual sensor alarm offers the best protection and is thus recommended. There are multicriteria or intelligent alarms available, which employ a variety of sensors such as photoelectric, ionisation, and heat, as well as an algorithm, to identify a fire.

to learn more about smoke detectors, click the links