The density of water is 1.94 [tex]slug/ft^3[/tex] if 997 kg/m^3 is rounded to 1000.
The density of a liquid is distinct from that of a solid.
A liquid's density serves as a gauge for its relative weight in relation to the quantity being evaluated. The liquid that weighs heavier is more dense if you weigh or measure the same volume of two different liquids.
It will float on the water if you add a liquid that is less dense than water to the surface of it. The surface of the water will sink if a substance is added that has a density greater than water.
Some examples are:
Liquid Temperature Density
Alcohol, methyl 25 786.5
Alcohol, propyl 25 800
Ammonia (aqua) 25 823.5
Aniline 25 1019
Learn more about density