Baby Boomer Generation X Millennial Total
Yes 137 171 175 483
No 213 199 186 598
Total 350 370 361 1081
Chi-Square test:
Statistic DF Value P-value
Chi-square 2 6.79987 0.0334
From the above output:
Test statistic = 6.80
Baby boomers refer to members of the large demographic generation born between the end of World War II and the mid-1960s. Baby boomers are an economically influential generation due to their large numbers and the relative prosperity of the U.S. economy during their careers. If you don't already have an emergency fund, consider saving at least 3-6 months of expenses. Even if the job search didn't take too long, the total doesn't include unforeseen costs. I have increased my income by changing jobs at a faster pace than usual but I shouldn't leave my current job unless it makes sense for my professional growth.
Learn more about Baby boomers here:-