A 74-year-old patient is undergoing surgery under monitored anesthesia care (mac). the surgeon has determined the procedure will be markedly invasive. what modifier(s) is/are appropriate for medicare?

Respuesta :

The surgeon has determined the procedure will be markedly invasive G8 modifier is appropriate for medicare.

Monitored anesthesia care :

Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC), also referred as conscious sedation or twilight sleep, is a type of sedation given via IV to make a patient tired and quiet during a surgery. The patient is usually awake but sluggish and can follow directions as needed.

What is considered monitored anesthesia care?

Monitored Anesthesia Care is having an anesthesia practitioner with you throughout your operations to administer sedation and pain medication. The dosage will be carefully calculated and will range from moderate to deep drowsiness based on your needs. The three primary elements and goals of conscious sedation during a MAC are: safe sedation, patient anxiety reduction, and pain control.

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