Unlike the consecutive numeric storage method, which uses each digit as an indexing unit, the terminal-digit numeric storage method divides a number into three groups of digits.
What does terminal-digit numeric storage mean?
The fundamental numeric method might not be practical, so a different option is to use terminal-digit filing, which separates a number into three groups of digits. The goal is to denote primary (first), secondary, and tertiary (final) groupings of numbers. These primary, secondary, and tertiary numbers tell the location of the record.
What does consecutive numeric storage mean?
Each digit serves as an indexing unit in the consecutive storage method, also known as serial or straight number filing. To determine filing order, a number's first digits are compared. Following a comparison of the first two digits, the third digits are evaluated, and so on. The numbers used may be written on the record or may be a component of the record itself, such as a number on an invoice. As each new record is added to the system, the number assigned to it increases.
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