Power-on or power-off stall must be performed during a flight instructor-airplane practical test.
- The type of aircraft determines how much power to utilise during the approach. With no power on throughout the approach, some of the heavier aircraft have fairly significant sink rates. Power off approaches are preferred for small aircraft like J-3 Cubs and Champs.
- A skilled pilot must be adaptable enough to do both as the situation demands. One day, the large aircraft might need to perform a power off approach, and the cub pilot might need to adjust his pattern.
- I advise every pilot I fly with to occasionally practise power off approaches. Some pilots are concerned that doing this would damage their engine because of the quick cooling. When the engine is hot from a period of high power, closing the throttle quickly can cause it to cool too quickly.
- However, if one is planning a power off approach, it is simple to arrive at the downwind with the engine already relatively cool. The throttle can then be closed gradually. The cooling that takes place is quite similar to the cooling that takes place after landing because you are already close to your approach speed.
To know more about landing power on or of visit: