Ethnography. Cultural anthropology, where researchers frequently spend years immersed in a society, is where ethnography first emerged. You experience the environment firsthand, sometimes as a "participant observer," rather than relying on interviews or surveys.
For instance, "following them home" and observing how they use the product can help identify unmet customer demands. You don't necessarily come prepared with any assumptions to test; instead, you're interested in learning how a product is used. It's simple to assume there is only one type of qualitative research study when we talk about them. But there are actually many different kinds of qualitative approaches, just like there are with quantitative ones.
There are numerous ways to segment qualitative approaches, just like there are different ways to group usability testing techniques. Five types of qualitative methods—ethnography, narrative, phenomenology, grounded theory, and case study—are distinguished by a common and useful classification. These five techniques are described by John Creswell in Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design.
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