You find yourself in a place that is unimaginably hot and dense. A rapidly changing gravitational field randomly warps space and time. Gripped by these huge fluctuations, you notice that there is but a single, unified force governing the universe, you are in the early universe before the Planck time.
The Planck time is approximately 10^-44 seconds. The smallest time interval, or "zeptosecond," that has so far been measured is 10^-21 seconds. A photon traveling at the speed of light would need one Planck time to traverse a distance of one Planck length.
Planck units are a set of measuring units used only in particle physics and physical cosmology. They are defined in terms of four universal physical constants in such a way that when expressed in terms of these units, these physical constants have the numerical value 1. These units are a system of natural units because its definition is based on characteristics of nature, more especially the characteristics of free space, rather than a selection of prototype object, as was the case with Max Planck's original 1899 proposal. They are pertinent to the study of unifying theories like quantum gravity.
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