Respuesta :
Arresting suspected juvenile offenders depends on factors such as Parents' apparent capacity and willingness to assist in resolving the issue, the gravity of the transgression and their track record, the community and police department's norms and if the complainants demand an arrest.
More about juvenile offenders:
When brought to the police station, juveniles must always be kept apart from adult offenders. The adolescent may be booked there if there are no adult offenders present.
Before any adult offender is brought into the booking room, the juvenile must be taken out of the room and relocated.
There are several choices laid forth for the arresting officer by the processes for dealing with juvenile offenders, including:
1. issue a verbal warning and let the person go;
2. holding a meeting with the young person, their parents, teachers, or other stakeholders;
3. direct the young person to youth services or another local organisation
Learn more about juvenile offenders here: