The White Man's Burden: Why the West's Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good. An informed and excoriating attack on the tragic waste, futility, and hubris of the West's efforts to date to improve the lot of the so-called developing world, with constructive suggestions on how to move forward.
In his poem "The White Man's Burden," Rudyard Kipling urges the United States to take over colonial rule over the Filipino people and their nation during the Philippine-American War.
The phrase "white man's burden" was adopted by imperialists in the United States as a euphemism for imperialism that seemed to justify the policy as a noble endeavour, despite the fact that Kipling's poem mixed encouragement to expand into new territories with realistic warnings of the costs involved.
Rudyard Kipling's famous advice to the United States when it started to dominate the Philippine Islands was to "take up the White Man's load." This line, which originally appeared in a poem published in 1899, finally emerged as a crucial argument against the bigotry and exploitation of 19th-century imperialism.
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