KEGG functional category at the third functional level: membrane transport (c) and carbohydrate metabolism (d). Asterisks indicate hypergeometric distribution test results with phyper.R

Respuesta :

The method of functional assignment in KEGG entails connecting a collection of genes with a cell's network of interconnected molecules, such as a pathway or complex, which represents a higher level biological function.

The distribution of enhanced eggnog orthologs and KEGG orthologs in healthy and ECC (caries) youngsters. (a) A comparison of the second functional level KEGG functional categories' enriched KEGG orthologous genes for healthy and ECC children. (b) A comparison of the[tex]24[/tex] eggnog orthologue group functional categories' enriched genes in healthy and ECC children. (C and d) Comparison of KEGG orthologous genes for each KEGG functional category at the third functional level in healthy and ECC children: membrane transport (c)

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