The correct answer is oxymercuration-demercuration
The acid catalysed hydration of alkenes includes the replacement of an alkene's pi bond with a water molecule.
This is accomplished by substituting an alcohol for the more substituted carbon atom and hydrogen for the less substituted carbon atom.
Following Markovnikov's rule, this reaction may undergo carbocation rearrangement. Because of the carbocation intermediate, the result will be racemic if it is chiral.
When a nucleophilic pi bond assaults a proton in solution, the pi bond breaks.
Carbocation occurs on more substituted carbon (less substituted carbon has the H)
The water molecule in solution attacks the carbocation generating oxonium with oxygen electrons (see below)
The excess proton is removed by another water molecule in solution.
The end result is an alcohol with a hydroxyl group on the more substituted carbon.
learn more about acid-catalyzed hydration refer: