If the optic nerve of a frog is cut and the eye is rotated 180 degrees, the frog will _______ that eye a few months later.

Respuesta :

If the optic nerve of a frog is cut and the eye is rotated 180 degrees, the frog will have inverted vision with that eye a few months later.

The Chemoaffinity hypothesis was proposed by Roger Wolcott Sperry, and it states that the chemical signals produced by target-matching cells are differentially recognized by axons. In this manner, neurons only connect to particular cells or cell types.

Sperry concluded this hypothesis based on his experiments on the visual system of frogs. He cut the connection between the eye and optic nerve and rotated the eye 180 degrees before re-implanting it.

After a few months, it was found that the functional synapse was re-established by the regeneration of axons that were cut. He concluded that this was possible because of the neural specificity or chemical affinity between the retinal ganglionic cells and the tectum. The regeneration of the optic nerve restored the vision of that eye but it became inverted due to the rotation of the eye.

Know more about the Chemoaffinity hypothesis here:
