The repeating decimal 0.625625625 represented as a fraction in its simplest form is 1001001/1600000.
Fraction simply refers to number expressed as a quotient, in which a numerator is divided by a denominator.
For example, a/b
Given that;
First, we rewrite the decimal number as a fraction with 1 in the denominator.
0.625625625 = 0.625625625/1
Next, we multiply to remove 9 decimal places. ( multiply top and bottom numbers with 1000000000 )
0.625625625 = 0.625625625/1 × 1000000000/1000000000
0.625625625 = 625625625/1000000000
Next, we simply, 625 can go through the numerator and denominator.
0.625625625 = 625625625/1000000000 = 1001001/1600000
Therefore, the repeating decimal 0.625625625 represented as a fraction in its simplest form is 1001001/1600000.
Learn more about fraction numbers here: