A transit train from Boston to New York and a passenger train from New York to Boston both departed at 3:00 pm. The distance between the New York station and the Boston station is 280 miles. The speed of the transit train was 80 mph. The speed of the passenger train was 60 miles per hour. Which train will arrive at their station first?

Respuesta :


The passenger train

Step-by-step explanation:

if its going 60 mph then it makes it way to a stop of 280 miles then the passenger train will just go 60 so thats 5 in a half hours


5:00 pm

Step-by-step explanation:

The rate of closure is (80 mi/hr + 60 mi/hr) = 140 mi/hr  

At 140 mi/hr, it will take 2 hours to travel 280 miles

The engines of the trains will meet in 2 hours past 3:00