Respuesta :
electric kettle works so quickly is by using a relatively large electric current.
The amount of heat produced is proportional to the current squared,
so bigger currents produce much more
heat—and heat things much more
quickly—than smaller ones.
Water in an electric kettle boils much faster when compared to normal kettle mainly because of two reasons :-
(•) In normal kettle, heat is supplied directly onto the kettle's base. As it is cold in nature, it takes time for the kettle base to be heated and then only the heat passes through water.
On the other hand, in electric kettle, the electric current wave passes directly through the water, hence it takes less time to heat the water.
(•) Water is a good absorber of electric current, but is a poor absorber of heat. Consider if it takes 2 minutes for electric to pass through water, then it will take 9 minutes for the heat to pass through water.
It is due to these major reasons to why water boils faster in electric kettle than in normal kettle.
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Hope this answer's your query ...