Respuesta :
Chemical reaction has to do with the interaction of substances to form a new substance sometimes involving the release of energy.
What is a chemical reaction?
The term chemical reaction has to do with the interaction of substances to form a new substance sometimes involving the release of energy.
The following completes each of the equations shown;
1. Calcium + Magnesium sul-fide → calcium sul-fide + magnesium
2. Sodium + Silver chloride → sodium chloride + silver
3. Iron I I sul-fide + potassium → Potasium sul-fide + iron
4. /Ba/rium + Aluminum ni.trate → /Ba/rium n.itrate + aluminium
5. Potassium iodide + chlorine → Potassium chloride + i.odine
6. Zinc + Lead I V chloride → Zinc I I chloride + lea.d
7. Silver + sul-furic acid →Silver sul-fate + water
8. /Ba/rium + water → /Ba/rium hydroxide + hydrogen
9. + hyd.rochloric acid → Ti.n IV chloride + hydrogen
10.G.allium br-omide + fl-uorine → Ga.lium fl-uoride + br-omine
11.Water + potassium → potassium hydroxide + hydrogen
Learn more about chemical reactions: