To do this problem, we have to divide fractions. If you don't know what dividing fraction is I'mgoign to tell you how to do it
How to divide fractions
To Divide fractions, you have to pick the one that is going to be divided and the one that's going to be divided by. Like the dividend and the divisor. Let's say we have 1/2 divided by 1/2.
One important rule in dividing fractions is always flipping the second fraction. If we have 1/2 as the second fraction, we flip it to 2/1 or 2. This action is called the reciprocal.
Once we changed the second fraction to a reciprocal, we multiply the fractions like 1/2 times 2/1 and then we get the answer, 2/2 which equal to one.
If you want, do some practice problems before we do this problem so you can get comfortable with it
1) 2/3 divided by 6/5
2) 4/5 divided by 1/2
3)5/6 divided by 7/8
Now let's get to this problem.
Solving this question
The first step in solving this question is finding what we need divided by and what we are using to divide by.
What we are dividing is the 5
We can set the equation up like 5/6 divided by 5/1 we have to flip the second fraction: 5/1. We get 1/5. Now let's multiply
So, the answer is 1/6 pounds
I hope this helped
Ps. Brainiest would help a lot