John Adams lost the election for maybe four main reasons. The heart of the matter was the expansion of Federal power at the expense of state and individual rights. Adams expanded the Federal Government by building up the standing army and building more ships for the Navy. He raised taxes and ran deficits. Adams instituted the Alien and Sedition Acts which criminalized criticism of the government and was rough on immigrants. Lastly, Adams toom Great Britain's side against the French. These policies weren't popular but Jefferson must have been greatful for the Navy ships he got to use in the war against the Barbary Pirates. Jefferson waged an effective campaign in the newspapers and he had the winning issues. The election still ended up in the House of Representatives between Jefferson and his running mate Aaron Burr. It was Alexander Hamilton who backed Jefferson over Burr. I am sure a contributing factor in their duel. Burr ran as a Vice-presidential running mate with Jefferson. He should not have tried to double cross Jefferson. Burr definitely had many character flaws.