not costing or charging anything
a free school
a free ticket
2a: having the legal and political rights of a citizen
For many African Americans, celebrating the Fourth of July as the day Americans became free from British rule feels inapplicable since our ancestors were not free.
— Christen A. Johnson
b: enjoying civil and political liberty
free citizens
c: enjoying political independence or freedom from outside domination
This is a free country.
d: enjoying personal freedom : not subject to the control or domination of another
You are free to do whatever you want.
3a: not determined by anything beyond its own nature or being : choosing or capable of choosing for itself
a player free to negotiate a contract with any team
b: determined by the choice of the actor or performer
free actions
c: made, done, or given voluntarily or spontaneously
gave his free consent
4a: relieved from or lacking something and especially something unpleasant or burdensome
free from pain
a speech free of political rhetoric
—often used in combination
b: not bound, confined, or detained by force
The prisoner is now free.
5a: having no trade restrictions