How are Moonquakes similar and different to Earthquakes? What evidence do we have about them? What other solar system body is experiencing something similar and how do we know?

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Moonquakes and earthquakes are similar to each other because their occurrences are not controlled by tides


An earthquake is the phenomenon when two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past one another.


A moonquake is the lunar equivalent of an earthquake. it is also called as quake on the moon

Similarities between moonquakes and earthquake

They are similar in manner below:

  • Their occurrences are not controlled by tides

  • They appear to occur in locations where there is evidence of structural

Sunquakes and earthquakes also experience the same thing

Sunquakes and earthquakes

These earthquake-like events release energy in the form of waves that ripple along the Sun's surface.

Read more about earthquake and moonquake