The Odyssey is an ancient Greek poem that tells the story of the 10-year journey of Odysseus, "the cunning hero," as he tries to return home after fighting in the Trojan War. The opening lines are as follows: Speak, Memory - Of the cunning hero.. The wanderer, blown off course time and again After he plundered Troy's sacred heights. Speak Of all the cities he saw, the minds he grasped, The suffering deep in his heart at sea As he struggled to survive and bring his men home But could not save them, hard as he tried The fools- destroyed by their own recklessness When they ate the oxen of Hyperion the Sun, And that god snuffed out their day of return. 1. Homer, The Odyssey, trems. by Stanley Lombardo (Indianapolis: Hodkeit Publishing, 2000) 1. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for how the structure of the poem contributes to its meaning? O
A. The large number of events suggests that the poem uses an epic structure to tell a story with many parts.

B. The lack of mymes suggest that the poem uses a lyric structure and is not meant to be sung aloud.

C. The repetition of "speak" suggests that the poem uses a lync structure to emphasize the importance of talking about one's feelings.

D. The reference to a god suggests that the poem uses an epic structure with a strong element of the supernatural​