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According to, the components of a standard housing lease are as follows:

"Basic apartment lease information

Every apartment lease agreement will begin by stating the parties involved in the agreement, including basic identifying information about the apartment management company and the renter. This will include details such as the apartment management company’s name and address, the number of the unit being rented and identifying contact information for the renter.

Apartment lease terms and rent details

Two of the most important parts of an apartment lease agreement are the lease term and rental details. The lease term section spells out how long the lease applies and what happens once the lease term comes to an end. It will detail whether the lease is for a year or month-to-month lease, for instance. The lease will also specify renewal and termination details. A well-written lease makes it clear what needs to be done if the renter wants to stay in the apartment once the lease is up and gives provisions to handle a situation such as leaving before the lease has ended."