Calculate the wavelength and frequency of the radiation emitted by the electronic transition from the 10th to the 9th excited state of hydrogen.

Respuesta :

Using the formula in theMore Precisely4.2, the energy in the  eleventh level is E11= 13.59843(1-1/112) eV = 13.48604628 eV, E10= 13.59843(1-1/102) eV = 13.4624457 eV.T he difference between these two levels is 0.02360058 eV. Converting to Joules (see #3) we have 3.781x10-21J. Using E = hf, the frequency of this wave can be calculated – we find f = 5.707x1012Hz.In wavelength this is 52,534 nm or 52.5 microns which is in the infrared.