Answer: This may be something you'd be better off searching on like the Youversion bible app but archeological discoveries prove that the bible is true, especially the book of exodus is proven. The Bible is so far the best kept historically and archeologially accurate book, which proves that the 4 gospels are almost garunteed to be correct. The big bang theory is completely flawed based on the fact that life can't come from nowhere (according to science laws) which would lead to the Bible being the best answer. The crossing of the red sea has been proven, Noahs ark has been found in Turkey and fossil records everywhere show that the earth was underwater at one point in time, the stuff taked about pangea is pretty much proven true as with the tower of babel people migrated and then there was huge Earth quakes, which could have been pangea breaking up. Native Americans even believed in a Creator and a devil before christianity came along to them and they were on the other side of the world when the bible was playing out, which is explained by pangea breaking up. If this all is tangible proof that the Bible is true then how is the plan of redemption not. Hopefully this helps, I'm not sure how else to explain it:)