
The least common denominator of two fractions is 28. If you subtract the two denominators, their difference is 10. What are the denominators?

Respuesta :

28: 7,4,28,1,2,14,

the denominators are 4 and 14


The denominators are 14 and 4.

Step-by-step explanation:

  • The least common denominator of two fractions is 28.
  • Their denominators have a difference of 10.

Now, the numbers are 14 and 4, because their difference is 10


Their least common denominator is

14    4 | 2

7    2 | 2

7     1 | 7


LCD: 2x2x7=28

As you can observe, these numbers fulfil the given conditions.

Therefore, the denominators are 14 and 4.