The auditor's responsibilities paragraph includes a statement that the auditor considers internal controls when designing the audit procedures performed.
Standard-Unmodified Opinion Audit Report
This form of Standard is simply known as the uniform wording ofte used in audit reports while Unmodified opinion simply means that the auditor's opinion about the financial statements contains no material exceptions or qualifications. Standard Unmodified Opinion Audit Report is virtually needed by private Company.
Auditor's Responsibility
The responsibility of an auditor is to express an opinion on financial statements based on audits made. Audits conducted in accordance with auditing standards is generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that auditor plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement.
The conditions for Standard Unmodified Opinion Audit Report includes;
1. All financial statements inclusive
2. Sufficient appropriate evidence accumulated
3. Financial statements are presented fairly in accordance with GAAP or other framework etc.