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Anne Frank- For two years, she and her family hid in an attic above her father's business. The Nazi Party was occupying Holland and were arresting or killing people that did not meet the Aryan agenda. During those months in hiding, Anne wrote in her diary about her hopes, fears, and whatever else came to mind. 

On August 4,1944, everyone in the Secret Annex was arrested by the Gestapo. They were taken to the local, over crowdwed jail and spent three days there locked up. After that, they were taken to Westerbork Transit camp. Nearly a month later, they were all selected to take the last transport to Auschwitz. 

After six weeks at Auschwitz, Anne and her sister Margot were taken to Bergen Belsen. There was a serious typhus epidemic at the camp and Anne Frank would be one of them that died of typhus in March 1945. 

Zlata Filipovic- She was dubbed the "Anne Frank of Sarajevo" because like Anne, she also had a diary and wrote down her thoughts about the Bosnian war. While Anne was hiding from the Nazis, Zlata was hiding from the gunfire and shrapnel that was destroying her town of Sarajevo. When the shooting got very bad, her family would flee to the nearby cellar which Zlata described as being "ugly and smelly" (48). Despite the war, Zlata was able to go to school and visit friends as long as the shooting wasn't too bad. The shooting continued for years to come and in December 1993, her family was saved and were relocated to Paris, France. She survived.