Indicate in which financial statement each item would most likely appear, by selecting income statement (I), balance sheet (B), or statement of cash flows (CF), or statement of retained earnings and statement of cash flows (E & CF) from the drop down provided.
1. Assets2. Cash from Operating activities3. Dividends4. Equipment5. Expenses6. Liabilities7. Net decrease(or increase) in cash8. Revenues9. Total liabilities and equity

Respuesta :

Answer and Explanation:

The classification is as follows:

1. Balance sheet

2. statement of cash flows (CF)

3. statement of retained earnings and statement of cash flows (E & CF)

4.  Balance sheet

5. income statement (I)

6. Balance sheet

7. Statement of cash flows (CF)

8. Income statement (I)

9.   balance sheet (B)

In this way the items should be categorized